Austria gets another jazz award


Award Ceremony Gala on 5.12.2024 at Porgy & Bess in Vienna – Website is online!

Vienna (OTS) - From now until August 15, jazz musicians can submit their music projects in the categories "Best Live Act", "Best Album" and "Best Newcomer" 2024. All experts in the scene are invited to register for the nomination process in an "Award Academy".

Austria has a very lively jazz and world music scene. In order to pay more public attention to the top-class musicians, the Austrian Music Council (ÖMR) was able to achieve the reorganization of an Austrian Jazz Prize after a 15-year break after the last presentation of the "Hans Koller Prize" together with mica - music austria, the Ö1 Jazzredaktion, IG World Music and Porgy & Bess. The prize is financed by the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS), the City of Vienna (MA 7), the Jam Music Lab Private University and Romedius GmbH.

The observation period for the Austrian Jazz Prize 2024 begins on 1.1.2022 and ends on 15.8.2024. In each category, the "Academy" – the comprehensive panel of experts – will determine ten nominees by awarding points. A small jury selects the winners. The prize is endowed with € 10,000 each for "Best Live Act" and "Best Album", the "Best Newcomer" receives € 5,000,-. In addition, there are three fairly paid concerts each.

State Secretary for Arts and Culture Andrea Mayer, BMKÖS "The newly created Austrian Jazz Prize will not only grant the excellent Austrian jazz scene broader attention from the media and the audience, but above all honor the achievements of outstanding musicians. Jazz as a highly lively art form that thrives on open-mindedness and tolerance towards the new and unknown, on the moment and creative agility, on listening and listening, can teach us a lot about tolerant and harmonious coexistence. I am looking forward to an inspiring award ceremony under the aegis of the Austrian Music Council and the resulting impulses for the Austrian and international jazz scene."

City Councillor for Culture Mag.a Veronika Kaup-Hasler, City of Vienna "With awards, we honour people for their extraordinary achievements. They are an appreciation for commitment, dedication and excellence and at the same time create attention – not only for individual personalities, but they also pay tribute to genres and areas of work. I am delighted to have been awarded the first Austrian Jazz Prize, with which we are focusing our attention on Austrian jazz and its outstanding musicians: a scene that is an integral part of the domestic music landscape, and whose protagonists stimulate the national and international music world with their diverse and creative work at the highest level."

Marcus Ratka, Rector of the JAM Music Lab Private University "As a university dedicated to all forms of jazz and popular music, we are honored and delighted to be part of the supporters of the Austrian Jazz Prize! Jazz has a long and important tradition in Austrian music history. Once known as music for dance, theatre, variety and film, it later developed into a platform for musicians, bands and orchestras who carried jazz out into the world. Today, the Austrian jazz scene sets important accents for improvised music that transcends stylistic boundaries. We wish the Austrian Jazz Prize every success and look forward to making a valuable contribution to this important project as a university."

People in the photos (press conference and lounge of the website on June 13, 2024): Andreas Rathammer (project organisation), Sabine Reiter (mica - music austria), Harald Huber (initiator/project management, ÖMR), Andreas Felber (Ö1 jazz editor), Katrin Pröll (IG World Music), Christoph Huber (Porgy & Bess), Günther Wildner (project finances, ÖMR);

Sponsors: Martin Seywald (BMKÖS), Marcus Ratka (Jam Music Lab University)

The Austrian Jazz Prize is a project of the Austrian Music Council; 1030 Vienna, Rennweg 8,